Dope Baddie Body Challenge Helpers

Supplements on the 10 Day Dope Baddie Body Challenge

FOOD IS NOT ENOUGH!  ugh!  The drama of trying to be healthy...omg.  sooooooo I use to track my nutrition.  What I learned is that I am typically low in my intake of foods that contain vitamin K, B vitamins, potassium, calcium and vitamin D.  Because of this I take a multi and calcium on a regular basis.  Also because our soil is so depleted I also take B-12.

I try to buy supplements on sale, at Costco in bulk and also in subscription so that I save money.  Those tablets add up!

During the challenge I am making a few changes bit based on what I see when I tracke my nutrition.  I added iron and a multi mineral supp.

I personally think it is important to track what you eat and take the supplements that are appropriate for you based on what you see.  Don't fall into the trap of just taking a bunch of stuff because a news article said you should.  As my diet changes, I add or take things away to answer what I see and I will check with my doctor periodically to make sure I am on course.

Hate taking pills.

Hate buying pills.

Hate thinking about health.

BUT it's cheaper to be well than be I do what I do.  The goal is to live your best life.  LIVE is the key word.


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