Dope Baddie Body Challenge Day 5!

Five lbs Down! and I Cheated.....OOPS?

Ok ok, I wasn't THIS BAD!

So here is the thing....going out during this challenge is not a good idea.  I went out with some friends yesterday and I couldn't resist the chips and guacamole.  I could have said no, but I didn't.  The good thing is that I won't let it "derail" me.  I ate them.  They were DELICIOUS!  I am moving on.

I had my smoothie for dinner, some veggie soup and some tea.  Woke up today 5 lbs down so far.  There was a time that I would have cheated my way after those chips into a pizza and a few other bad choices just to make sure my cheat really really counted.  But what's the point in that?  I still have a goal.  I am still on track.  I don't feed bad at all.

I will say that those extra calories really helped me stock up for today because fasting until noon was no problem today.  I did oversleep this morning and woke up feeling pretty lethargic.  I wasn't as alert as I had been the past few days on the challenge.  Blame it on the guac!

Today's smoothie is blueberry and spinach.  Very refreshing.  The challenge with a meal seems to be the way to go.  I am going to continue doing 2-3 smoothies a day (about 40 ounces) and a meal through the next day and see how I feel. I'll be interested to see if I continue to lose a pound a day?

Below is a link to the recipe I used today for my smoothie except I didn't use yogurt and I added a cup of spinach to it. It was yum!


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