Dope Baddie Body Challenge Day 3 recap

Day 3 was not too bad.  So far I haven't bitten anyone or growled at my co workers so I consider that a success!

I had about 40 ounces of smoothie today.  My recipe today was collard greens, berry mango frozen blend and flaxseed.  I also had my detox tea in the morning and a half cup of coffee.....(I may or may not be weaning the coffee.  We will see. Don't judge me.)

I was up half the night with restless sleep.  I woke up early and felt very very alert, like I had an espresso in the night.  I never feel awake or alert when I first wake up in the morning.  That was weird for me.  I always want to climb right back in bed and hide from the sun, but today was different.  I felt "bouncy" AF.  Ewuh.  We don't like bouncy.... LOL

I usually don't eat until noon or later because I intermittent fast.  (I eat my meals between 12pm and 8pm).  I had some tofu cubes and vegan mayo at noon.  (I suggest this as a substitute for egg on the snack list)  This is really good with some marinated or smoked tofu, vegan mayo, a little spice and chopped scallions or fresh herbs on top.  Red onion would be good as well.
I had my first sips of smoothie at 2pm.  It's only day 3 and already I didn't want the smoothie.  But I drank it anyway. (See?  I don't do "bouncy".)

I had a big field green salad with pecans and strawberries from a restaurant for late lunch and ate about a third of it.  I finished it for dinner.

I sipped on the rest of the smoothie through the evening until about 8 or so.  The best part was making pizza for everyone else while I just sat back and drooled at their food...grrrrrrr.  I wasn't hungry at all.  I just wanted what they were eating.  Ok, so much for me not growling at anyone?!  Thanks, pizza. Grrrrrrr......NOT. BOUNCY.

Water with lemon was my drink of choice today.  Besides my coffee and detox tea I haven't had anything else to drink.  I am working my way to exceed the 8 glasses slowly.  Drinking water really does cut back on the hunger cravings.  I am down 3 lbs so far and I feel pretty good.  I am glad I decided to allow myself a full meal on this plan.  I don't think I really ever want to do all liquid all day.  It's just too boring.

oh...and news alert...I'm down 3lbs. yeyah!


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