Food Haul Ethnic Market !

Do not underestimate the power of a food haul!

I was looking for advice on how to revamp my nutrition and I couldn't find what I needed.  I started to refer to my own blog for advice.  So here I am reposting some of what I feel are my better advertisements for healthy lifestyle.  Stay tuned.  :-)

This is a repost from when I went to the local Asian market and stocked a completely empty pantry.  All this produce and food cost me $55!  I got a case of mangoes for $7 

This will last me a week and my family a week. 

Check out local ethnic markets. You can save bundles of money if you work it correctly. Stay in the produce area....not the aisles. I saw a small container of Tide laundry detergent for $16?!!  Nuff said. see all this lovely abundance.  Can you say "Nice!!!!!"


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