Bbq Ribs??? Yes! Vegan?? Yes! Delish? Yessssss!!

These were made from gluten steaks that I made from scratch but you can use store bought seitan meat substitute as well. 

You need to use gluten to get the "meaty" texture but extra firm tofu can work as well. 

Cut the gluten into steaks.  

Fry them lightly to brown in olive oil.  

Mmmmn.  Look at that color!

Toss them generously in sauce.  If using seitan, you need ALOT of sauce. The seitan drinks the sauce.  Don't be shy.  Get 'em liquored up!

Bake covered for 65 minutes on 350 until sauce is absorbed.  Then remove from oven. Let cool.  Then slice into ribs like seen below. 

I made my bbq sauce from bottled sauce, leftover wine, and some tamari.  

Once ribs have cooled, you will need to add more sauce. 

Are you frickin kidding me???? These are the perfect substitute for previous bbq lovers like myself who miss ribs, Etc.  

Serve with potato salad and some smoky collard greens! 

All I can say is yum, delish and move outta my way. I need to make myself a plate!  


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